Liam O’Faolain


Liam O’Faolain’s nanophotonics research group focuses on the nanostructuring of CMOS compatible materials for applications in photonics. The group is comprised of 5 postdoctoral fellows (including two Marie Curie fellows) and 13 PhD students. The group has the expertise to design, fabricate and characterise Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) and nanophotonic devices. The fabrication processes are typically based on electron beam lithography suite

Liam O’Faolain spent 15 years at the University of St Andrews, before moving his research group to the Centre of Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis at Munster Technological University in 2016, see . He is the author/co-author of more than 100 journal papers. His ”h”-factor is 42. He is a principal investigator in the SFI IPIC (Irish Photonic Integration Centre). He co-ordinates the ERC Proof of Concept project HERCULES, the OPTHAPHI Marie Curie European Joint Doctorate project ( and the H2020 PASSEPARTOUT project.

2019/2020 Publications

  1. Optimizing an interleaved p-n junction to reduce energy dissipation in silicon slow-light modulators“, M. Passoni, D. Gerace, L. O’Faolain & L. C. Andreani, Photonics Research, 8, 457–467 (2020).
  2. Lithium Niobate Fabry-Perot microcavity based on strip loaded waveguides“, Maria V. Koltyar, Simone Iadanza, Liam O’Faolain, Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications 43, 100886 (2021)
  3. Long cavity photonic crystal laser in FDML operation using an akinetic reflective filter“, Butler, S. M.; Singaravelu, P. K. J.; O’Faolain, L. & Hegarty, S. P., Opt. Express 28 , 38813-38821 (2020)
  4. Model of thermo-optic nonlinear dynamics of photonic crystal cavities“, Iadanza, S.; Clementi, M.; Hu, C.; Schulz, S. A.; Gerace, D.; Galli, M. & O’Faolain, L., Phys. Rev. B 102 , 245404 (2020)
  5. Hybrid External Cavity Laser with an Amorphous Silicon-Based Photonic Crystal Cavity Mirror“, S. Iadanza, C. Devarapu, A. Liles, R. Sheehan & L. O’Faolain, Applied Sciences, 10, 240 (2020).
  6. Edge-coupling of O-band InP etched-facet lasers to polymer waveguides on SOI by micro-transfer-printing“, R. Loi, S. Iadanza, B. Roycroft, J. O’Callaghan, L. Liu, K. Thomas, A. Gocalinska, E. Pelucchi, A. Farrell, S. Kelleher, R. F. Gul, A. J. Trindade, D. Gomez, L. O’Faolain & B. Corbett, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 56 (1), 6400108 (2020).
  7. Low-loss, compact, spot-size-converter based vertical couplers for photonic integrated circuits“, P. K. J. Singaravelu, G. C. R. Devarapu, S. A. Schulz, Q. Wilmart, S. Malhouitre, S. Olivier, & L. O’Faolain, J. Phys. D 52, 214001 (2019).
  8. Single metalens for generating polarization and phase singularities leading to a reverse flow of energy“, V. V. Kotlyar, A. G. Nalimov, S. S. Stafeev & L. O’Faolain, Journal of Optics 21, 055004 (2019).
  9. Frequency modulated hybrid photonic crystal laser by thermal tuning“, S. M. Butler, A. P. Bakoz, P. K. J. Singaravelu, A. A. Liles, B. O’Shaughnessy, E. A. Viktorov, L. O’Faolain & S. P. Hegarty, Optics Express 27, 11312–11322 (2019).
  10. Subwavelength grating-based spiral metalens for tight focusing of laser light“, V. V. Kotlyar, S. S. Stafeev, A. G. Nalimov, & L. O’Faolain, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 141107 (2019).
  11. Two-petal laser beam near a binary spiral axicon with topological charge 2“, Victor V. Kotlyar, Sergev S. Stafeev, Anton G. Nalimov, Sebastian Schulz, Liam O’ Faolain, Optics & Laser Technology 119, 105649 (2019)
  12. ODX: A Fitness Tracker-Based Device for Continuous Bacterial Growth Monitoring“, V. V. B. Yallapragada, U. Gowda, D. Wong, L. O’Faolain, M. Tangney, and G. C. R. Devarapu, Anal. Chem. 91, 12329 – 12335 (2019)
  13. Raman probe on chip“, M. Murugan, P. L. Inácio, G. C. R. Devarapu, and L. O’Faolain, Seventh European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (International Society for Optics and Photonics), Vol. 11199, p. 111991H (2019)
  14. Slow light with interleaved p-n junction to enhance performance of integrated Mach-Zehnder silicon modulators“, M. Passoni, D. Gerace, L. O’Faolain & L. C. Andreani, Nanophotonics 8 (9), 1485–1494 (2019).